How do I know which option to pick?
Pick the full day if your rough draft is, well, rough. Maybe you’ve put in placeholders because you aren’t quite sure how to say what you want to say. Or maybe there are missing headlines or body text, or even missing sections or pages.
Pick the half-day if you’re about 75% happy with your work as it stands. Almost everything you want to say is there, even if it does need a bit of sprucing up.
Either way, I’ll review the content you want to be edited once you book your day. If I suspect you’d be better off with a different option, we can adjust!
What can you really get done in a day?
As every business is different, and so is every Copy Spa Day. We'll tailor your day to get you as close as possible to your end vision, with realistic goals based on where we're starting.
For past clients, Copy Spa Days have achieved goals like...
—Extensive refresh of a home page or long-form sales page
—Significant editing and/or new copy for 3-5 internal pages
—Editing of lead generators, social media, and other materials
Do I need to be available during my Copy Spa Day?
Nope! Booking your Copy Spa Day officially secures this time on my calendar. You’re free to do whatever you like during this time.
When will I get my edits?
If you chose the Half-Day or 1-hour editing session, you’ll likely get your edits and wrap-up video that day. For full day projects, final edits are usually sent the following morning.
What if I don’t have a working draft yet?
If you’re just starting out, a Copy Spa Day can be a great way to create the foundation of your new website. During your day, we’ll create tailored copy blueprints for 3-5 pages, and write the headlines to help you get started on each section.
Also consider the Write Your Site program — it offers all this plus access to a video training series to help you write your best copy, and a round of final editing by me.
Is this just a fancy spell-check?
I will check your spelling and grammar. But that’s about 1% of what happens during your Copy Spa Day. What I’m more interested in is making sure you have a strong messaging foundation. Are we are telling a complete story? Is the story clear? Is it interesting and does it flow? And so much more.